On the 30 of September 2021, a colloquium proposed by the French Presidency of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee Bureau-Management Of Social Transformations (MOST) concerning social sciences and the Covid-19 pandemic will take place. They invite interested parties to submit a contribution by the 15th of July.
“On 12 March 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared the spread of COVID-19 infection asa ‘pandemic’, i.e.a widespread epidemicon a global scale. Indeed, while the first known cases occurred in Wuhan province, China, in December 2019, the entire world was affected during the year 2020. Life sciences have obviously mobilised globally to understand and fight the virus, and a greatdeal of social science research has also been conducted in many countries around the world since2019. Hence,the French Presidency of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee Bureau -Management of Social Transformations (MOST) proposes to organise a colloquium and explore the broadersocial science perspective on the pandemicnearly two yearsafter itstarted. The conference will be organised under four sub-themes, from the life of the human body to state institutions,and globalisation. Different levels of social reality will be considered in a dialectical and non-deterministic way, in all the fieldsconsidered, giving priority to direct observations and first-hand data. In addition, the place of women in each of the four sub-themes as a cross-cutting axis will be taken into account. A specific workshop will be devoted to the role of women in the preservation of tangible and intangible heritagesin times of pandemic.”
To know more about the submission instructions and the call follow this link.