The VIII APHELEIA International Seminar will explore the themes of arts and humanities, taking a cross-cultural approach, through time and across space. It will bring together artists and human sciences researchers, focusing, in particular, on the role of the arts in structuring cultural landscapes.
As in previous years, the Seminar is organized by the UNESCO Chair in Humanties and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, in partnership with the UNESCO programme MOST (Management of Social Transformations). It is also part of the BRIDGES project on Low Density Territories and involves partnership with the Erasmus + International Master in Quaternary Prehistory (IMQP) and the Master in Dynamics of Cultural Landscape, Heritage, Memory and Conflictualities (DYCLAM+).
This year’s Seminar is run in partnership with the Project “FÔLEGO” (Breath) funded by the EEA & Norway Fund, and co-lead by Academia de Produtores Culturais, Mapas das Ideias – Edições de Publicações, Lda, and the University of Iceland in partnership with the project Bifrost and the BRIDGES Coalition. The school Includes many activities that are ârt of a Summer School entitled “Fire and Ice”, which reflects upon the human responses to climate change in the North and South of Europe, and their interplay with the arts and humanities reflections and intervetions. In particular, the project explores the social impact of the arts on the communities of the municipalities of Mação, Oleiros, Proença-A-Nova, Sertã and Vila de Rei in Portugal, as well as partner communities in Iceland and Norway.
More information about the seminar here.