The International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Byblos, the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung, have the pleasure to present the International Symposium “Rethinking Humanities for a Post-Pandemic World” on 25-26 November 2021.
The coronavirus pandemic has shocked the current world order. For the first time after the World War II, humanity is confronting a common threat. It is time to revisit the human practices over years that led to this urgency in terms of loss of life and loss of trust in Human kind. We normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, impunity, manipulation, wars … Shall the world get back to normal, which was not really normal in terms of human and basic Rights? The International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) in partnership with the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CISPH) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS) are organizing the international symposium “Rethinking Humanities for a Post-Pandemic World” taking the challenge in exploring the current state and the needed changes to re-shock the world positively.
The International Symposium aims to engage researchers and experts from different fields and countries in shaping a better future for our humanity. The symposium will feature presentations of researchers and experts and will enrich the participants’ knowledge in the evolution of Human Sciences along with different scientific fields. The symposium will share the achievements of follow up initiatives in the different regions to the key recommendations of the World Humanities Conference (Liège, 6-12 August 2017) which was a major event engaging the Human Sciences from countries around the world.
For more information, please follow this link.