Artists and projects
Rodrigo Ramis
Démo des Silences


Federico Garcia Lorca gave a lecture in 1933/4 entitled Game and Theory of Duende, in which he explained what Duende is and why it is so present in the culture of southern Spain.

This lecture, given twice, was itself, according to testimonies, a living exercise of “Duende in Action”.

Drawing on his diverse artistic background, and in the image of what is reported from Garcia Lorca’s lectures, Rodrigo Ramis offers a lively presentation in which he shows what is at work in the poetry of contemporary Amerindian authors and ancient texts (Mayan Codex in particular), African-American ritual songs, for whom artistic expressions were/are spiritual, creating links and awakening ancestral memories.

This quality can also be found in certain founding texts such as the Tao Te King, or in certain works by contemporary authors, such as Henry Miller, William Saroyan, Herman Hesse…

This presentation is an experience of a stripping, that of the Direct, authentic Presence, which operates as the expression of these poems of spirituality, where verticality and horizontality come together, first in the individual experience, then in a reduced group.

Rodrigo Ramis creates, within the Théâtre d’Ailes Ardentes, living actions that borrow from these expressions to create situations of connection and transcendence.

Rodrigo Ramis Rodrigo Ramis - JEU ET THÉORIE DU DUENDE" target="_blank" >
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