Artists and projects
Ashia Miya Myers

I think that the challenge and purpose of art is to give the world a hopeful future and a better understanding of our past and present. In this modern day we are encountering many truths about our future that may not be as bright as we would hope for yet art helps us to create beauty where there was none and to find new ways that can turn us in the right direction, which is one of community, love and respect for one another.

This project appears courtesy of StiltWorld. StiltWorld is a Los Angeles based company, founded and directed by Trey Knight.  StiltWorld features professional dancers performing technical feats on stilts. They are renown for their unique approach to stilt dancing.

Music by Regal
Track ID: Repeat

1 & 2 by:

Tajo Kupperthaler

3 by:

Mike Lloyd
Ashia Myers " target="_blank" >
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