Artists and projects
Johnny Miller
Unequal Scenes

I am a photographer and multimedia storyteller based in South Africa and the USA. I am interested in exploring inequality, architecture, displacement and climate justice from the ground and from the air.

Unequal Scenes started in 2016 as a photo project around looking at the inequality with a drone, but it is grown in size and scope and now incorporates video, portraiture, multimedia tools and education. I believe that creating strong, accessible, and accurate narratives can drive mass action, which can drive positive social change.

Unequal Scenes | Brazil © Johnny Miller
Unequal Scenes | Cape Town, South Africa © Johnny Miller

Looking down from above on the cleavage of our societies allows us to see the «inscribed history» of the earth, or the environment left behind over the decades. It is a damning appraisal of our priorities and impossible to ignore the systemic, thorough nature of how divisions are built and encapsulated over time.

I am fascinated with systems and networks which underpin the world and seeing things from above makes sense to me. It sort of removes the «subjective eye» and emotionally allows for some distance, providing perhaps a different way in to some of these problems than shooting on the ground.

I hope this prject goes on for a ling time as there is inequality to be seen in almost every country in the world, if you know where to look.

Unequal Scenes © Johnny Miller
Unequal Scenes | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil © Johnny Miller
Unequal Scenes | Brazil © Johnny Miller
Unequal Scenes © Johnny Miller
Unequal Scenes © Johnny Miller
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