Artists and projects

To push aside the established order, to emancipate ourselves from all the conventions and conditionings, to defy our certainties, to question, to release ourselves truly by creating poetically with passion and to share eventually this spirit of absolute freedom. That is definitely the fate of the artist according to Lamozé.

Lamozé is a multidisciplinary artist who is working in the tradition of total art, the Gesamtkunstwerk. His multimodal expression is nourished by the transversality of artistic practices, involving music, performance, sculpture, photography, digital arts and interactivity without limitations of any kind. After his studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (music), at the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris from which he graduated (innovation & technology), at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière (photography) and after many worldwide musical creations, he’s chosen for several years to integrate both the plastic and digital arts into his contemporary works.

Fascinated by the notion of serendipity, his work revolves around the recurring themes of chance, accident, unpredictability and interaction. The raw material of his works is always identical: films that he produces and from which he extracts the images and the sound by means of a random device he has developped.

He develops his projects within the Montreuillois Music Unit creation studio of which he is co-founder.

The (Un)Veiled Gaze, 2021
Installation view The (Un)Veiled Gaze, at Mémoire de l’Avenir, 2021
Ad Urbe II, 2016
Ad Urbe II, 2016
Installation view Ad Urbe II, 2016
See projects